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Procedure for conducting an audit

An audit is the procedure used to review and determine whether there is damage or shortage in the transported merchandise, and if so, to process the claim with Ferromex.

The customer has the right to request an audit when:

  • The cars have their original seals violated.

  • Receive the unit with seals different from those applied at the origin, provided that the seal replacement is not due to intervention or acts of the authorities.

  • The cargo arrives at its destination in a unit different from the one shipped at the origin.

  • The unit has been involved in an accident.

The audit service is free and interrupts the calculation of the delay as long as the provided information is truthful and the established requirements are met; otherwise, the cost of the service will be charged to the customer, applying the current various services fees and the delays generated by the unit.

  • The shipper, consignee, or paying customer listed in the shipping documentation is the only person who can request the audit.
  • The seals applied and their numbers must be recorded in the shipping documentation.
  • The audit must be requested within 24 hours of the placement and/or receipt of the unit.
  • To initiate the audit process, the customer is obliged to pay the freight.


  • Are correct and intact.
  • Were not applied at the point of origin (in the case of imports, the origin is the border).
  • Were not declared in the shipping documentation, at the point of origin, or at the border.
  • Were not applied correctly.
  • Were opened or removed without the presence of the auditor.
  • Were changed as a result of inspection by an authority.


  • Was transported in open units (gondolas, platforms, etc.).
  • Corresponds to dangerous products.
  • When the products naturally suffer from natural loss.


  • The time between the placement of the unit and the request for an audit is more than 24 hours.
  • If after requesting the audit, the customer partially unloads the equipment.
  • If the customer opens compartments for product sampling.
  • When the requested documentation is not provided.
  • Units should not be opened or the unloading process initiated without the auditor's presence.
  • Consequential losses resulting from cargo damage will not be subject to any claim.

3.1 Submit the audit request and send it to the Quality Assurance Coordinator at the address within 24 hours of the placement and/or receipt of the unit.

3.2 If the audit request is not applicable, the Ferromex Quality Assurance Coordinator will inform the requester within 24 hours of receiving the request to unload and release the unit. In these cases, an extension of the free time does not apply.

4.1 Based on the information provided in the audit request, the Quality Assurance Coordinator analyses it and determines its applicability. If applicable, an auditor is commissioned to agree with the requester on its execution within 24 hours of its receipt.

4.2 If upon starting the audit, the equipment shows any alteration or does not match what was reported in the request, it will be grounds for cancelling its execution.

4.3 The personnel designated by Ferromex and the customer or consignee proceed to count the received goods and compare them with the shipping declaration to determine any shortages or damages. At the end of the review, an audit report is prepared confirming the results obtained, which must be signed by those involved. The original of this report is delivered to the customer and/or their representative, and Ferromex retains the copy.

Ferromex will cover the client for the amount of loss determined in the audit, deducting the corresponding deductible, within a period not exceeding 15 business days after agreeing on its amount and receiving the documentation described below:

  • Original audit report.
  • Letter of claim from the owner of the goods indicating the claimed amount.
  • The letter indicating if the cargo was self-insured, in which case the policy number and name of the insurance company must be provided.
  • Original bill of lading document.
  • Commercial invoice or document supporting the cost of the claimed goods. In the case of imports, include a certified copy of the import or export declaration and customs invoices.
  • The original invoice for the paid freight identifies the shipment in the units where the damaged goods were determined.
  • Invoice for the amount to be received as compensation without VAT breakdown. The client may not deduct from their payments to Ferromex the claims being addressed or any balances in their favour determined.

The client may not deduct from their payments to Ferromex the claims being addressed or any balances in their favour determined.




This is a service different from the audit, carried out at the request of the client and due to causes not attributable to Ferromex, and is subject to the charges established in the various services tariff. The provision of this service is not mandatory for Ferromex. As a result, a report is issued on the condition in which the cargo arrived.